Maxim MAX17040 Fuel Gauge

modulename: max17040_battery.ko

configname: CONFIG_BATTERY_MAX17040

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Power supply class support
└─>Maxim MAX17040 Fuel Gauge
In linux kernel since version 2.6.31 (release Date: 2009-09-09)  
Maxim models with ModelGauge are fuel-gauge systems for lithium-ion
(Li+) batteries in handheld and portable equipment, including
max17040, max17041, max17043, max17044, max17048, max17049, max17058,
max17059. It is also included in some batteries like max77836.

Driver supports reporting SOC (State of Charge, i.e capacity),
voltage and configurable low-SOC wakeup interrupt.

source code: