CPU Jitter Non-Deterministic RNG (Random Number Generator)

modulename: jitterentropy_rng.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Cryptographic API
└─>Random number generation
└─>CPU Jitter Non-Deterministic RNG (Random Number Generator)
In linux kernel since version 3.10 (release Date: 2013-06-30)  
CPU Jitter RNG (Random Number Generator) from the Jitterentropy library

A non-physical non-deterministic ("true") RNG (e.g., an entropy source
compliant with NIST SP800-90B) intended to provide a seed to a
deterministic RNG (e.g. per NIST SP800-90C).
This RNG does not perform any cryptographic whitening of the generated

See https://www.chronox.de/jent.html

source code: