GPIO driver for 74xx-ICs with MMIO access

modulename: gpio-74xx-mmio.ko

configname: CONFIG_GPIO_74XX_MMIO

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>GPIO Support
└─>GPIO driver for 74xx-ICs with MMIO access
In linux kernel since version 3.19 (release Date: 2015-02-08)  
Say yes here to support GPIO functionality for 74xx-compatible ICs
with MMIO access. Compatible models include:
1 bit: 741G125 (Input), 741G74 (Output)
2 bits: 742G125 (Input), 7474 (Output)
4 bits: 74125 (Input), 74175 (Output)
6 bits: 74365 (Input), 74174 (Output)
8 bits: 74244 (Input), 74273 (Output)
16 bits: 741624 (Input), 7416374 (Output)

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