ITE IT5205 Type-C USB Alt Mode Passive MUX driver

modulename: it5205.ko

configname: CONFIG_TYPEC_MUX_IT5205

Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>USB support
└─>USB Type-C Support
└─>USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
└─>ITE IT5205 Type-C USB Alt Mode Passive MUX driver
In linux kernel since version 6.1.89 (release Date: 2024-04-29)  
Driver for the ITE IT5205 Type-C USB Alternate Mode Passive MUX
which provides support for muxing DisplayPort and sideband signals
on a common USB Type-C connector.
If compiled as a module, the module will be named it5205.

source code: