Ciphers: AES, modes: ECB/CBC/CTR/XTS (bit-sliced NEON)

modulename: aes-arm-bs.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Cryptographic API
└─>Accelerated Cryptographic Algorithms for CPU (arm)
└─>Ciphers: AES, modes: ECB/CBC/CTR/XTS (bit-sliced NEON)
In linux kernel since version 3.10 (release Date: 2013-06-30)  
Length-preserving ciphers: AES cipher algorithms (FIPS-197)
with block cipher modes:
- ECB (Electronic Codebook) mode (NIST SP800-38A)
- CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode (NIST SP800-38A)
- CTR (Counter) mode (NIST SP800-38A)
- XTS (XOR Encrypt XOR with ciphertext stealing) mode (NIST SP800-38E
and IEEE 1619)

Bit sliced AES gives around 45% speedup on Cortex-A15 for CTR mode
and for XTS mode encryption, CBC and XTS mode decryption speedup is
around 25%. (CBC encryption speed is not affected by this driver.)
This implementation does not rely on any lookup tables so it is
believed to be invulnerable to cache timing attacks.