Ciphers: AES, modes: ECB, CBC, CTS, CTR, XTR, XTS, GCM (AES-NI)

modulename: aesni-intel.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Accelerated Cryptographic Algorithms for CPU (x86)
└─>Ciphers: AES, modes: ECB, CBC, CTS, CTR, XTR, XTS, GCM (AES-NI)
In linux kernel since version 2.6.30 (release Date: 2009-06-09)  
Block cipher: AES cipher algorithms
AEAD cipher: AES with GCM
Length-preserving ciphers: AES with ECB, CBC, CTS, CTR, XTR, XTS

Architecture: x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) using:
- AES-NI (AES new instructions)

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