CONFIG_EZNPS_MTM_EXT is not available for thedefaultarchitecture x86.
Result is shown for architecture arc
default or selected kernelversion does not have config value CONFIG_EZNPS_MTM_EXT.
Result is shown for kernelversion 6.8.2

ARC-EZchip MTM Extensions

modulename: mtm.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>"EZchip" ARC dev platform
└─>ARC-EZchip MTM Extensions
In linux kernel since version 4.1 (release Date: 2015-06-21)  
Here we add new hierarchy for CPUs topology.
We got:
At the new thread level each CPU represent one HW thread.
At highest hierarchy each core contain 16 threads,
any of them seem like CPU from Linux point of view.
All threads within same core share the execution unit of the
core and HW scheduler round robin between them.

source code: