Xen PCI-device backend driver

modulename: xen-pciback.ko


Linux Kernel Configuration
└─>Device Drivers
└─>Xen driver support
└─>PCI support
└─>Xen PCI-device backend driver
In linux kernel since version 3.1 (release Date: 2011-10-24)  
The PCI device backend driver allows the kernel to export arbitrary
PCI devices to other guests. If you select this to be a module, you
will need to make sure no other driver has bound to the device(s)
you want to make visible to other guests.

The parameter "passthrough" allows you specify how you want the PCI
devices to appear in the guest. You can choose the default (0) where
PCI topology starts at 00.00.0, or (1) for passthrough if you want
the PCI devices topology appear the same as in the host.

The "hide" parameter (only applicable if backend driver is compiled
into the kernel) allows you to bind the PCI devices to this module
from the default device drivers. The argument is the list of PCI BDFs:

If in doubt, say m.

source code: